Anatomical “fugitive sheets” are illustrations of the body designed to display internal organs and structures using paper flaps. Their name arose from the frequency with which the accompanying sheets were torn or misplaced. This site reimagines the fugitive sheet as a misplaced code-snippet, framed within a randomly generated cut-out.
import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import Link from 'next/link'; import Head from 'next/head'; import getConfig from 'next/config'; import H from '../H'; import Section from '../Section'; import Prose from '../Prose'; import Image from '../Image'; import formatWritingDate from './../../utils/formatWritingDate'; const { publicRuntimeConfig: { URL } } = getConfig(); const WritingSingle: React.FunctionComponent<WritingSingleProps> = ({ children, meta, }) => ( <div className="container"> <div className="writing-single"> <Head> <title>{meta.title} | Jay Freestone</title> <meta name="description" content={meta.excerpt} /> <meta name="twitter:title" key="twitter:title" property="og:title" content={`${meta.title} | Jay Freestone`} /> <meta name="twitter:description" key="twitter:description" content={meta.excerpt} /> <meta property="og:title" key="og:title" content={`${meta.title} | Jay Freestone`} /> {meta.previewImage && ( <Fragment> <meta name="twitter:image" key="twitter:image" content={`${URL}${meta.previewImage}`} /> <meta property="og:image" key="og:image" content={`${URL}${meta.previewImage}`} /> </Fragment> )} </Head> <article> <header className="writing-single__header"> <H>{meta.title}</H> <div className="writing-single__meta"> <time dateTime={}> Published {formatWritingDate(} </time> </div> </header> <Section> <Prose> {children} </Prose> </Section> </article> <div className="writing-single__author"> <div className="authorship"> <Prose> <h3 className="authorship__title">About Jay</h3> <Image className="authorship__image" src="/static/img/jay-freestone-avatar.jpg" alt="Jay Freestone in Basel" width={100} height={100} /> <div className="authorship__copy"> <p> I'm a front end developer living and working in East London. Currently building enterprise web-apps at Browser London. <Link href={{ pathname: '/' }}><a>Read full bio.</a></Link> </p> </div> </Prose> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); interface WritingSingleProps { meta: { title: string; date: string; excerpt: string; previewImage: string; }; } export default WritingSingle; class Code extends React.Component<CodeProps> { highlight(lang: string, str: string) { try { return Prism.highlight(str, Prism.languages[lang]); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return str; } } render() { const { className, children } = this.props; const lang = className.indexOf('language') > -1 ? className.split('language-')[1] : 'javascript'; return ( <div className="code"> <span className="code__language">{lang}</span> <div className="code__content"> <Html element="code" html={this.highlight(lang, String(children))} /> </div> </div> ); } } interface CodeProps { className: string; } const NavLink: React.FunctionComponent<NavLinkProps> = ({ router, children, activeClassName, ...props }) => { const child = React.Children.only(children); return ( <Link {...props}> {React.cloneElement(child, { className: classNames( child.props.className || '', router ? `/${router.pathname.split('/')[1]}` === props.href ? activeClassName : null : null, ), })} </Link> ); }; NavLink.defaultProps = { activeClassName: 'active', }; interface NavLinkProps extends LinkProps, WithRouterProps { activeClassName?: string; }