
enum El { Container = 'container', Main = 'main', PrimaryNavWrapper = 'primary-nav-wrapper', PrimaryNav = 'primary-nav', OverflowNav = 'overflow-nav', ToggleBtn = 'toggle-btn', NavItems = 'nav-item', } type NavType = El.PrimaryNav | El.OverflowNav; enum StateModifiers { ButtonVisible = 'is-showing-toggle', OverflowVisible = 'is-showing-overflow', PrimaryHidden = 'is-hiding-primary', } interface ElementRefs { [El.Container]: HTMLElement; clone: { [El.Main]: HTMLElement; [El.NavItems]: HTMLElement[]; [El.ToggleBtn]: HTMLElement; }; primary: { [El.Main]: HTMLElement; [El.PrimaryNavWrapper]: HTMLElement; [El.PrimaryNav]: HTMLElement; [El.NavItems]: HTMLLIElement[]; [El.OverflowNav]: HTMLElement; [El.ToggleBtn]: HTMLElement; }; } interface Instance { eventListeners: Map<((eventDetail: CustomEvent<{}>) => void), { eventType: Events; wrappedCallback: (eventDetail: CustomEvent<{}>) => void; }>; itemMap: WeakMap<HTMLElement|Element, NavType>; observer: IntersectionObserver; } interface Options { classNames: { [El.Container]: string[]; [El.Main]: string[]; [El.PrimaryNavWrapper]: string[]; [El.PrimaryNav]: string[]; [El.OverflowNav]: string[]; [El.ToggleBtn]: string[]; [El.NavItems]: string[]; }; collapseAtCount: number; defaultOverflowVisible: boolean; openOnToggle: boolean; innerToggleTemplate: string|((args: object) => string); } const defaultOptions: Options = { classNames: { [El.Container]: ['p-plus-container'], [El.Main]: ['p-plus'], [El.PrimaryNavWrapper]: ['p-plus__primary-wrapper'], [El.PrimaryNav]: ['p-plus__primary'], [El.OverflowNav]: ['p-plus__overflow'], [El.ToggleBtn]: ['p-plus__toggle-btn'], [El.NavItems]: ['p-plus__primary-nav-item'], }, collapseAtCount: -1, openOnToggle: true, defaultOverflowVisible: false, innerToggleTemplate: 'More', }; function priorityPlus(targetElem: HTMLElement, userOptions: DeepPartial<Options> = {}) { /** * @todo: We shouldn't have to cast this as Options, however DeepPartial creates * breaks the type of innerToggleTemplate (?). */ const options = { ...defaultOptions, ...userOptions, classNames: { ...defaultOptions.classNames, ...userOptions.classNames }, } as Options; const { classNames } = options; /** * The instance's event emitter. */ const eventHandler = createEventHandler(); /** * 'Instance' state variables and misc references. * Force a cast as we know we will initialise these. */ const inst: Instance = { eventListeners: new Map(), itemMap: new WeakMap(), } as Instance; /** * References to DOM elements so we can easily retrieve them. * Force a cast as we know we will initialise these. */ const el: ElementRefs = { clone: {}, primary: {}, } as ElementRefs; /** * Gets an element's 'mirror' Map for the clone/primary navigation - e.g. * if you pass a clone Map, you get the original Map and vice-versa. */ const getElemMirror = createMirror(); /** * Generates classes based on an element name. */ function cn(key: El): string { return classNames[key].join(' '); } /** * Generates data-attributes based on an element name. These are used to query * the generated DOM and populate the 'el' object. */ function dv(key: El): string { return `data-${key}`; } /** * Generates the HTML wrapper to use in-place of the user's supplied menu. */ function createMarkup(): string { return ` <div ${dv(El.Main)} class="${cn(El.Main)}"> <div class="${cn(El.PrimaryNavWrapper)}" ${dv(El.PrimaryNavWrapper)}></div> <button ${dv(El.ToggleBtn)} class="${cn(El.ToggleBtn)}" aria-expanded="false" >${processTemplate(options.innerToggleTemplate)}</button> <${targetElem.tagName} ${dv(El.OverflowNav)} class="${cn(El.OverflowNav)}" aria-hidden="true" > </${targetElem.tagName}> </div> `; } /** * Clones the target menu and enhances it with additional properties, such * as data attributes and classes. */ function cloneNav(elem: HTMLElement): HTMLElement { const targetClone = elem.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement; enhanceOriginalMenu(targetClone); const navItems = Array.from(targetClone.children) as HTMLLIElement[]; navItems.forEach(enhanceOriginalNavItem) return targetClone; } /** * Enhance the original list element with classes/attributes. */ function enhanceOriginalMenu(elem: HTMLElement) { elem.classList.add(...classNames[El.PrimaryNav]) elem.setAttribute(dv(El.PrimaryNav), ''); } /** * Enhance an original menu list-item with classes/attributes. */ function enhanceOriginalNavItem(elem: HTMLLIElement) { elem.classList.add(...classNames[El.NavItems]) elem.setAttribute(dv(El.NavItems), ''); } /** * Replaces the navigation with the two clones and populates the 'el' object. */ function setupEl() { const { itemMap } = inst; const markup = createMarkup(); const container = document.createElement('div'); container.classList.add(...classNames[El.Container]); container.setAttribute(dv(El.Container), 'true'); el[El.Container] = container; const original = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(markup); // Setup the wrapper and clone/enhance the original menu. el.primary[El.PrimaryNavWrapper] = original.querySelector(`[${dv(El.PrimaryNavWrapper)}]`) as HTMLElement; el.primary[El.PrimaryNavWrapper].appendChild(cloneNav(targetElem)) const cloned = original.cloneNode(true) as Element; // Establish references. By this point the menu is fully built. el.primary[El.Main] = original.querySelector(`[${dv(El.Main)}]`) as HTMLElement; el.primary[El.PrimaryNav] = original.querySelector(`[${dv(El.PrimaryNav)}]`) as HTMLElement; el.primary[El.NavItems] = Array.from(original.querySelectorAll(`[${dv(El.NavItems)}]`)) as HTMLLIElement[]; el.primary[El.OverflowNav] = original.querySelector(`[${dv(El.OverflowNav)}]`) as HTMLElement; el.primary[El.ToggleBtn] = original.querySelector(`[${dv(El.ToggleBtn)}]`) as HTMLElement; el.clone[El.Main] = cloned.querySelector(`[${dv(El.Main)}]`) as HTMLElement; el.clone[El.NavItems] = Array.from(cloned.querySelectorAll(`[${dv(El.NavItems)}]`)) as HTMLElement[]; el.clone[El.ToggleBtn] = cloned.querySelector(`[${dv(El.ToggleBtn)}]`) as HTMLElement; el.clone[El.Main].setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); el.clone[El.Main].setAttribute('data-clone', 'true'); el.clone[El.Main].classList.add(`${classNames[El.Main][0]}--clone`); el.clone[El.Main].classList.add(`${classNames[El.Main][0]}--${StateModifiers.ButtonVisible}`); container.appendChild(original); container.appendChild(cloned); // By default every item belongs in the primary nav, since the intersection // observer will run on-load anyway. el.clone[El.NavItems].forEach(item => itemMap.set(item, El.PrimaryNav)); const parent = targetElem.parentNode as HTMLElement; parent.replaceChild(container, targetElem); } /** * Sets the toggle button visibility. */ function updateBtnDisplay(show: boolean = true) { el.primary[El.Main].classList[show ? 'add' : 'remove']( `${classNames[El.Main][0]}--${StateModifiers.ButtonVisible}`, ); if (typeof options.innerToggleTemplate !== 'string') { // We need to do it for both, as layout is affected [el.primary[El.ToggleBtn], el.clone[El.ToggleBtn]].forEach(btn => { btn.innerHTML = processTemplate(options.innerToggleTemplate, { toggleCount: el.primary[El.OverflowNav].children.length, totalCount: el.clone[El.NavItems].length, }); }); } } /** * Get array of cloned navItems from primary/overflow. */ function getCloneItemsByType(navType: NavType) { const { itemMap } = inst; // Always use the clone as the base for our new nav, // since the order is canonical and it is never filtered. return el.clone[El.NavItems].filter(item => itemMap.get(item) === navType); } /** * Get a list of cloned elements that we need to * render for our navType. */ function getRenderableItems(navType: NavType) { const { collapseAtCount } = options; if (navType === El.PrimaryNav || collapseAtCount < 0) { return getCloneItemsByType(navType); } const primaryCount = getCloneItemsByType(El.PrimaryNav).length; if (primaryCount > 0 && primaryCount <= collapseAtCount) { return el.clone[El.NavItems]; } return getCloneItemsByType(navType); } /** * (Re) generate the navigation list for either the visible or the overflow nav. * We use this to completely recreate the nav each time we update it, * avoiding ordering complexity and having to run append multiple times on * the mounted nav. */ function generateNav(navType: NavType): HTMLElement { const newNav = el.primary[navType].cloneNode(); getRenderableItems(navType) .forEach(item => { const elem = getElemMirror( el.clone[El.NavItems], el.primary[El.NavItems], ).get(item) as HTMLElement; newNav.appendChild(elem); }); return newNav as HTMLElement; } /** * Replaces the passed in nav type with a newly generated copy in the DOM. */ function updateNav(navType: NavType) { const newNav = generateNav(navType); const parent = el.primary[navType].parentNode as HTMLElement; // Replace the existing nav element in the DOM parent.replaceChild( newNav, el.primary[navType], ); // Update our reference to it el.primary[navType] = newNav; } /** * Run every time a nav item intersects with the parent container. * We use this opportunity to check which type of nav the items belong to. */ function onIntersect({ target, intersectionRatio }: IntersectionObserverEntry) { inst.itemMap.set(target, intersectionRatio < 0.99 ? El.OverflowNav : El.PrimaryNav); } /** * The IO callback, which collects intersection events. */ function intersectionCallback(events: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) { // Update the designation events.forEach(onIntersect); // Update the navs to reflect the new changes ([El.PrimaryNav, El.OverflowNav] as NavType[]).forEach(updateNav); eventHandler.trigger(createItemsChangedEvent({ overflowCount: el.primary[El.OverflowNav].children.length, })); /** * Once this callback is run, we can be confident that we are ready to pass on * events to users. If we do so beforehand, internal initialisation events (e.g. * the first itemsChanged and showOverflow events) will be sent to user-defined * listeners. */ eventHandler.setEventReady(true); } /** * Sets the visibility of the overflow navigation. */ function setOverflowNavOpen(open = true) { const openClass = `${classNames[El.Main][0]}--${StateModifiers.OverflowVisible}`; el.primary[El.Main].classList[open ? 'add' : 'remove'](openClass); el.primary[El.OverflowNav].setAttribute('aria-hidden', open ? 'false' : 'true'); el.primary[El.ToggleBtn].setAttribute('aria-expanded', open ? 'true' : 'false'); eventHandler.trigger( open ? createShowOverflowEvent() : createHideOverflowEvent(), ); return this; } /** * Toggles the visibility of the overflow navigation. */ function toggleOverflowNav() { const openClass = `${classNames[El.Main][0]}--${StateModifiers.OverflowVisible}`; setOverflowNavOpen(!el.primary[El.Main].classList.contains(openClass)); return this; } /** * Sets the visibility of the primary navigation (we hide the primary nav * when all the navigation items are hidden in the overflow nav). */ function setPrimaryHidden(hidden = true) { const hiddenClass = `${classNames[El.Main][0]}--${StateModifiers.PrimaryHidden}`; el.primary[El.Main].classList[hidden ? 'add' : 'remove'](hiddenClass); el.primary[El.PrimaryNav].setAttribute('aria-hidden', String(hidden)); } /** * Handle the overflow-nav toggle btn click. */ function onToggleClick(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); eventHandler.trigger( createToggleClickedEvent({ original: e }) ); } /** * Callback for when either nav is updated. */ function onItemsChanged({ detail: { overflowCount } = {} }: CustomEvent<{[x: string]: any}>) { updateBtnDisplay(overflowCount > 0); if (overflowCount === 0) { setOverflowNavOpen(false); } setPrimaryHidden(overflowCount === el.clone[El.NavItems].length); } /** * Retrieves an index of the primary nav elements. */ function getNavElements() { // Clone it to avoid users changing the el references, // e.g. inst.getNavElements()['toggle-btn'] = null; return {...el.primary}; } /** * Establishes initial event listeners. */ function bindListeners() { = new IntersectionObserver(intersectionCallback, { root: el.clone[El.Main], rootMargin: '0px 0px 0px 0px', threshold: [0.99], }); el.clone[El.NavItems].forEach(elem =>; el.primary[El.ToggleBtn].addEventListener('click', onToggleClick); eventHandler.on(Events.ItemsChanged, onItemsChanged, false); if (options.openOnToggle) { eventHandler.on(Events.ToggleClicked, toggleOverflowNav, false) } } /** * Remove listeners and attempt to reset the DOM. */ function destroy() { if (; el.primary[El.ToggleBtn].removeEventListener('click', onToggleClick); // Unhook instance based event listeners Array.from(inst.eventListeners.entries()) .forEach(([cb, { eventType }]) => {, cb); }); // Attempt to reset the DOM back to how it was const parent = el[El.Container].parentNode as HTMLElement; parent.replaceChild(targetElem, el[El.Container]); } (function init() { validateAndThrow(targetElem, userOptions, defaultOptions); setupEl(); bindListeners(); if (options.defaultOverflowVisible) setOverflowNavOpen(true); }()); return { destroy, getNavElements, off:, on: eventHandler.on, setOverflowNavOpen, toggleOverflowNav, }; } export default priorityPlus;